Freshly made cookies, cakes, cupcakes, brownies, double-crust fruit pies, pretzels, etc...
Sandwich Bread, bagels and English muffins. Products on this page supplied by BONNIE'S BREAKFAST and LUNCH...
These are delicious chocolate chip cookies made a little bit special with special, flavorful additions. The cookies...
Homemade Sourdough Crackers with our sourdough starter, butter and salt. Plain, Everything Bagel or Rosemary....
*new flavors this week* Current offerings: Chocolate Chip Cookies w/ Sunflower Seeds and Oats: Brown butter...
Rice crispy treats made with browned butter and marshmallows. Ingredients: crispy rice cereal, marshmallows,...
Maple Olive Oil Granola: Toasty oats, nuts, and seeds baked with olive oil and maple syrup. We enjoy this granola...
Buttery whole grain crackers; tender, crumbly, and nutty. Very lightly sweetened. Pairs well with sharp cheddar or...
Homemade cookies produced from scratch using old family recipes.
Freshly baked PA Dutch Soft pretzel. Three flavors: Traditional soft pretzel with salt, Soft Pretzel with Everything...
Our Pennsylvania Dutch Recipe for a giant cookie that includes oatmeal, corn flakes, chocolate chips, pecans, and...
Four-pack of delicious, buttery cinnamon rolls filled with a cinnamon swirl and a sweet glaze in a 7" aluminum...
A delicious and healthier version of your favorite cookie made with organic ingredients and sourdough discard from my...
Delicious homemade cinnamon rolls with whipped icing on the side. Each pan comes with two rolls and a small container...
Just for the Holidays…you can purchase a Cow Flop Cookie Box. Follow the included poem and use the ingredients from...