Local honey and pure maple syrup.
Liquid filtered honey local from Greene NY available in light summer wildflower honey and dark wildflower honey.
Flavors include cinnamon, coffee, spicy hot, vanilla and Christmas spice blend.
Creamed honey is a crystalized honey that is spreadable and has a smooth creamy texture in the mouth and is great to...
Clover honey is a popular choice amongst honey enthusiasts as it doesn't have an overwhelming taste and...
Due to its glucose content, raw honey naturally crystallizes over time. This is a good thing, as it means the honey...
Packing all the same goodness as the rest of the Kutik's pure and natural clover honey; this bottle delivers all...
This robust, pure, natural and unfiltered honey is darker than most honey varietals, thanks to the darker nectar bees...
This delicious amber-colored honey is fruity and sweet, with a gentle orange or citrus bouquet that won't...
A pure light honey with a slight fruity taste. Straight from our bees that pollinate blueberry blossoms in the...
The bees produce a unique dark, reddish honey from the tiny white flowers.
Sunflower honey is a sweet fluid that is made from the nectar of sunflowers. It is mild in flavor, and its color is a...
Delicious raw honey from Yaleville Farm in Guilford, NY. This honey is filtered once and not heated so it retains...
Our maple syrup comes from the big, old maple trees on our farm that are tapped by me and Curtis, gathered,...
Gift Crate just in time for the holiday season! It is filled with Honey and a variety of options!