0 Items ($0.00)

Market - 1st Saturday of the Month Schedule

Delivery Address:
16 Fort Hill Park (Merchant Street entrance)
Oxford, NY, 13830
Delivery Partners:

• Pick up your orders the first Saturday of every month, November thru April, at the Oxford Winter Farmer's Market 10 am - 12:00 pm!

Pick up location:
The United Church of Oxford, 16 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY 13830
(Merchant Street Entrance, across from the Middle School)


Volunteers need time to receive and assemble your order(s)!
Vendors will be unloading and preparing their booths for opening.
CASH ONLY, exact amount please!


Prior to arriving for your pickup: 

  • Please prepare an envelope with the exact amount of cash for your purchases.  Label it with your name and order number(s).
  • Pay for your order- cash only, exact amount please!
  • (If you would like a no-contact pickup, please place the envelope in your trunk or on the seat where you would like your order placed and let the volunteer know where to find it.)
  • You may either pull up to the purple tent in front of the Merchant Street entrance on Fort Hill Park or park in the Middle School parking lot across the street and walk over.
  • If pulling up, please turn on your four-way flashers. We will come out to meet you or you may call 607-226-6483 if you don't see someone right away. 
  • A volunteer will gather your envelope, retrieve your order and place it in your vehicle. 

Please contact the Market or the individual vendor immediately if you find a discrepancy/problem with the product you ordered so we can rectify the issue!

Thank you!

Delivery TimeOrdering StartsOrdering Ends
02/01/2025 - 10:00AM to 12:00PM 01/28/2025 at 12:00PM 01/30/2025 at 12:00PM
03/01/2025 - 10:00AM to 12:00PM 02/25/2025 at 12:00PM 02/27/2025 at 12:00PM
04/05/2025 - 10:00AM to 12:00PM 04/01/2025 at 12:00PM 04/03/2025 at 12:00PM
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